Checkout Process Changes (5/20/2022)

The site used to be affiliated with ccbill and used their services to provide credit/debit card processing on this site. CCBill recently made changes to their policy involving sites selling erotic hypnosis. So we decided it is best for our customers to use a checkout processor that can offer us debit and credit card processing without affecting our business model. To this end, we are now using services from BMT Micro.

You should get a statement from BMT Micro when making a purchase.

Yes. If you purchased sessions prior to the processor change you can still log into your account to re download sessions if you need to until the links expire.

Yes. with our new checkout process you can now pay for your purchases with crypto using BitPay!! Also we can take gift card payments from Dollar General, CVS, and PaySafe. If you need a more discreet way to pay for your files we do have options for you!

DarkAmethyst (5/20/2022) was a site that contained many sessions that included topics that were banned by My previous processor. Since the new processor change I can now create those type of “darker” sessions here on deepsurrender.

The DarkAmethyst files can now be found in the DarkAmethyst category of My store.

No. was closed in May 2022. The site now redirects to the DarkAmethyst category of our store. All future DarkAmethyst type sessions will be placed there instead.

Hypnosis FAQ

  1. Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. The term may also refer to an art, skill, or act of inducing hypnosis. In basic terms though, light hypnosis it could be described as being awake, but zoned out. It’s a natural brainwave state just prior to sleep. Please keep in mind that every individual will experience it slightly different. There are great resources online and I highly encourage you to do some reading if you’re looking for more in depth answers.
  2. Erotic hypnosis is using the tools of hypnosis, but in a sensual manner. There are multiple overlapping genres of hypnosis that rely on trigger points, on focus, and on relaxation.

The subconscious mind is always picking up it’s surroundings, even when you’re asleep. The subconscious knows no boundaries. I have had clients fall asleep during sessions, and many still see successful changes, even if they fall asleep. All you would need to do is evaluate how you are responding after the session. Are you experiencing changes in the area of your goals, even if slightly? If so, then you should be fine. However, if you’re not sure, try changing positions when you listen to a file. Sit straight up with your legs on the floor, or some other position that you, personally, would not find too comfortable to where you drift into sleep.

Oh, how I wish it were magic. If it were, don’t you think I’d own half the world and sit high on my pile of cash? The simple truth is, I cannot change who you are, nor make you do things you disapprove of. Hypnosis is a tool that helps to enhance feelings and desires that are already present within you and it helps you to bring them out in a more active way, through behaviors, etc. Hypnosis sessions help to condition the subject to see what they desire; be what they desire; serve who they desire. If you fear this is evil, you have a lot of research to do. Google is a beautiful tool.

Do you offer...

  1. Yes.  Whether you need specific training, help with an issue or just want to have your own personal fantasy played out, I can create a recording just for you. My customs are studio quality and most customers come back again and again to order additional custom recordings.  Please be aware that my schedule is often extremely busy and I may have been forced to place custom orders “Out Of Stock”.  Please check the product page for it’s current status.  To explore my custom page, click HERE

Yes. E-mail me at In our e-mail correspondence, we will set a date and time for your appointment and go over any questions that you may have. I prefer Skype for phone sessions, and upon payment, I will send you my Skype contact information. PLEASE BE AWARE: There are NO REFUNDS for cancellations. Cancellations will be considered a tribute. My schedule fills up fast—please contact me at least 2-3 days prior to your requested date.  To explore my phone sessions, click HERE

There are no refunds, regardless of the product or service that you purchased. When purchasing a downloadable product, please read the description carefully before purchasing. Also, I recommend that you listen to some of my free files so that you can get a glimpse into my voice, style, etc.

No. I have no intention on ever offering in-person sessions, but if I ever change my mind, I will definitely let my followers know.

Can I be your...

  1. Yes. Does it happen in two days? Two weeks? No. Slavery means obedience, and obedience comes via repetition, conditioning, subtle and less-subtle brainwashing and reprogramming sessions. Servitude to Mistress is a gift. You will come to love and obey me more than you’ve loved and obeyed anything. But it takes work, devotion, understanding, appreciation. If you want it, it’s there for you. But you have to want it and I do expect you to prove yourself to me. Always ask in the back of your mind, “Does this personally benefit Mistress Amethyst”. If you’re reciting mantras because it turns you on, but you’re not following through with an action related to the mantra, then you’re not benefiting Mistress.  You can also formally request to become my slave.  By completing the Slave Application, you will be telling me something about you, as well as learning what I require.

I take collaring VERY seriously. If you’re interested in becoming a collared slave, please talk to me about it. It requires:

  1. Completed, returned, and approved Slave Application
  2. 1 year of faithful, uninterrupted devotion and service to me
  3. Demonstration that you live according to the traits that I cherish in a slave. (For more info, take the Journey Into Devotion and listen to Amethyst Countdown 2)
  4. Adherence to the Code Of Behaviors, listed within the Slave Application.
  5. Desire to be collared

More Questions

  1. Assume that the answer is always “No”. The vast majority of my time is devoted to working on product development, as well as personalizations. I also have a very busy personal life. If I don’t have any phone sessions scheduled on a certain day, I will always fill it up with personalization work or personal errands and/or entertainment. Always be prepared to schedule in advance.

The worst thing you can do is request a session after four seconds of research. You can’t possible serve someone you don’t know much about, or don’t understand. So where to start: Easy—on my website. Just as you would never take a job without knowing the company, you would never serve a mistress without knowing her personality, her style, her approach, her desires. I strongly suggest reading the ABOUT section on my website, as well as browse my product categories and titles.  I also have many FEATURED sessions that are considered some of my best, fan favorites, or great for beginners.

No … but (there’s always a but) I offer generous coupons on my new releases for those who subscribe to my NEWSLETTER. I also frequently have a variety of files ON SALE, and I offer a several FREE FILES. I do not, however, offer discounts upon request. Truly, I love my submissives, my slaves, my customers and it wouldn’t be fair to offer one person a discount and not another, therefore, I do not offer discounts upon request.

I strongly suggest that when one downloads a file from Mistress, that you back it up immediately. My system is not designed to easily retrieve personal files. If you fail to heed my suggestion, and you lose a file due to a computer malfunction, I demand a $1 tribute per downloaded link that needs reissuing. This is a time-consuming task for me and I need for you to take care of your downloads.

There’s a very easy way to begin the process of servitude. Really, it’s a pattern: Purchase. Review. Subscribe. Tribute. Then repeat.

  1. Purchase my files and /or personalized services from me
  2. Provide a glowing review of the files that you purchase. This is great advertising for me and I appreciate it very much.
  3. Subscribe to my social media accounts, newsletter, and my membership website.
  4. Tribute by either sending a gift from my AMAZON account or  DEEPSURRENDER 
  5. Then repeat. Start all over again. This cycle never becomes old to me

I don’t feel that I need to refer to myself in capital letters and refer to you in lower case letters in order to feel or be seen as dominant. Personally, adhering to this lettering protocol is a bit of a nuisance when typing. However, if you feel more comfortable typing to me in this format, I’m fine with it. I just don’t require it. What I DO require, however, is respect. Your tone and verbiage to me is what matters most in the grand scheme of things.

Almost never. If you send me an e-mail suggesting that I consider creating a certain type of file, I will politely reject your suggestion and remind you that I offer custom sessions. Taking a suggestion would not be fair to the many boys who pay full price for custom creations. However, I do sometimes offer a suggestion box on my membership platforms. If you are interested in having your voice heard, make sure you subscribe to one of my membership platforms. Please go to the home page, and select the Websites drop down menu, for a list of my active websites and platforms.

The information and products on this site are not intended nor recommended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical condition or treatment. Nothing contained on this site is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.

Due to the deep hypnotic state that you’ll experience, never listen while driving or operating machinery of any kind. All hypnotic programming and fantasy sessions offered on this website are intended to be used while in a relaxed environment, preferably while sitting or lying down.


I was listening to mistress amethyst’s “Becoming Toy 13” yesterday night, she initially lured me into a trance like state which is not a big deal, I have experienced a ton of these femdom hypno audios and videos. But this one hit different, I was quivering from arousal, toes curling when she gave me a… Read more “I cried because my goddess accepted me as her toy!”

Toy #0811LP-13

For the longest time, I failed to see for myself why Mistress Amethyst was regarded as one of the best HypnoDommes in the Erotic Hypnosis Community and why her files were being praised and considered absolutely captivating. After my first few listen to her files and opening up my mind to her voice, I find… Read more “Enchanting and Extraordinary”

Lewd Rotion

Mistress Amethyst is not my first experience with hypnotic domination, but Her power is truly several times greater than any I had met before. I am truly in awe of Mistress Amethyst’s power over me, and grateful that Hers is the web I have fallen into. Surprised daily by the vistas She is opening up… Read more “Staring into Her voice…”

jesse charles

I have downloaded and listening over and over again HELPLESSLY BETA and CORRUPT HYPNOTHERAPY FOREVER.I cannot seam to be able to not listen. I have truly become a junkie on your voice. Both files so aptly describe the situation that I find my self in, truly, I have become a BETA BOY, and wonder if… Read more “now a Beta boy”


I have been listening to anything that Mistress has recorded to do with helpless maid. and mistress has indeed worked her spell over me and through me The single word NOW has so very much power over me I really have lost free will. I want to spend my days hearing her enchanting voice. I… Read more “sissy mais”


Most of my life I was convinced I was someone who isn’t hypnotizable. I watched tons of sissy hypnos many, many times over many years and tried to fake it ’til I made it. Didn’t work, none did. A few got close but no one had the mojo to truly put me under and keep… Read more “I was unhypnotizable”

Fred M

If you are wondering whether to take the plunge do it. You won’t be disappointed. It feels so good to fall for Mistress Amethyst. Her voice is so soothing and her recordings are amazing. Once you get to know her you realise how much she cares for her slaves. It will be one of the… Read more “If you are wondering whether”


Forever Beta changed me and Helplessly Beta has destroyed and alpha left in me What is next for me?? I am fulled with wonder Thank you Mistress for opening new worlds


I can write a thousand words here but it won’t suffice the level of enslavement I am in towards Mistress Amethyst.. She is by far the most skilled femdom hypnotist I have ever heard in my life…her voice , from the first syllable lulls my brain with steamy anticipation.. And by the time of the… Read more “Enslaved in haze”


As someone with autism who lives with depression and suffers crippling anxiety attacks, I have searched long and hard for ways to relax through various kinds of therapy even including the use of mindfulness which didn’t work for me. I have tried hypnosis before, but it just didn’t work. One of the reasons is because… Read more “The Best There Is…”


I’ve been around erotic hypnosis for a fairly long time. Over the years I’ve tried samples from a variety of hypnodommes, and seen many more come and go. And of all them, I can say that Mistress Amethyst is the best. Over the years, Mistress Amethyst has repeatedly demonstrated her immense talent and skill for… Read more “Mistress Amethyst is a very special woman and deserves your attention”


When I discovered Mistress Amethyst, I was exploring the potential of the erotic hypnose with, I have to admit, some septicism in mind, cause all I found in the net before doesn’t work at all and I was pretty sure to be hard to hypnotize. And than I started to listen the free tracks on… Read more “Stunned by your voice”


I thought that it would be an interesting experiment to observe what effect that repeated listening to “forever Beta” would have on me, if any. Now I find that I take great pleasure in kissing and massaging my wife’s toes and feet. I now agree that my primary goal in life is to serve her… Read more “Becoming Beta”


I recently listened for the third time to one of your “dark” files. Of course, I was intriqued and mesmerized by your words, voice and delivery . I have become one of your slaves. I could not help myself. I look forward to going deep and deeper under your control . Today I found myself… Read more “I recently listened for the”


I’ve always been rather shy when i comes to stuff like this but I feel like I need to do this. I’ve been going in trance for a long time looking for something that I couldn’t quite find until I had found Mistress Amethyst. For the first time in my life I feel truly submissive… Read more “I’ve been searching for some one as special as Mistress Amethyst for a long time.”

Anthony Miller

Although my exploration of online tension hypnosis began in 1998, my fascination with mind control and submission goes back as far as I can remember. It was about five years ago that I began exploring just what came after giving up control, and three years ago that I discovered Mistress Amethyst. The first thing I… Read more “Mistress Amethyst is Everything I Ever Desired in A Domme”

Beau R.

Today was one of those times when listening to a particular recording of yours found to have become very receptive to your voice and message. It is the recording of”Helplessly Mais to Serve”. I had foolishly thought that I was no longer under your spell. How wrong I was!.I remain week and helplessly under your… Read more “Can not escape your spell”


Where to begin? Trying to summarize and relate the feelings and sensations encountered while under the spell of Mistress Amethyst’s hypnotic voice could literally fill volumes, yet here I am making the attempt. I have read the other testimonials written here and concur with the other writers: surrendering to Mistress Amethyst is not an experience… Read more “Not to be Missed”


Over the last year I have listened and followed Mistress Amethyst. I love her voice. Even more I love her hypnosis. She always takes the time to guide me down. She never rushes her inductions. When it come the the point of training, programming or brainwashing its so natural and comfortable. She is truly a… Read more “Free Fall”


I don’t know how I could put this in more glowing terms, but Goddess Amethyst is an enchanting, enthralling, bewitching addictive presence in my life. She has a velvet voice that makes you beg and want her more and more. Easily one of the greatest if not the greatest hypnosis dommes on the net. She… Read more “Amazing amazing amazing”


I found Mistress via YouTube in late 2014 or 2015, around the time that she released “Wrapped With Care” – the first time that so listened to this file, it was obvious that Mistress was very special … I soon immersed myself in her YT videos and browsed through her other platforms like NiteFlirt, as… Read more “Mistress Amethyst is PURE PERFECTION”


In the first years after i found hypnosis i tried a lot of hypnosis files and struggeled a lot to go under. I only had minor success and so, being a switch, i gave up and focussed on my dominant side. This week, due to some random twitter interaction, i found Mistress Amethyst and something… Read more “Changed my mind”

Christian H

If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent some times growing into your love of hypnosis. Maybe you started with some random free files you found online and found the thrill of going into a trance. Then you found a mistress who’s voice just took you under and left you feeling amazing. Then you keep looking… Read more “If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent some times growing into your love of hypnosis.”
