Cell Command Therapy Hypnosis by Amethyst

General Cell Release CoverCell Command Therapy Hypnosis ™
What’s a HypnoDomme doing talking about Cell Command Therapy™ ?  Because the more I have gotten to know a lot of you guys, the more you have started asking for mainstream hypnosis in My voice.  And many of you have started asking for help with health issues, or releasing whatever is preventing you from reaching your goals.  This is literally My specialty.  I’m a Certified Specialist in Cell Command Therapy ™ .  Do emotions cause physical conditions?  ABSOLUTELY!  They weaken your body.  When I worked in the clinic, this is the type of session that I would give My clients, and they saw incredible results.  So I would love to tell you all about it.
Cell Command Therapy ™ and Cellular Releasing© was created by Dr. Ed Martin of the PATH Foundation. This approach provides PROFOUND results and far faster than traditional hypnosis methods.  The theory is that all unwanted condition (health, habits, unwanted behaviors, fears etc etc etc) are caused by negative thoughts, emotions, imprints etc.  These negative triggers “eat away at us”, and eventually start causing health problems or bad habits etc.
Traditional hypnosis and cognitive therapy provide a “coating”, but without RELEASING the cause, the unwanted behavior or health issue could come back in time.
The Cellular Releasing© portion of the session involves asking the subconscious mind if certain emotions, experiences, thoughts etc have contributed to the unwanted behavior or health issue.  Then the subconscious mind is commanded to release that negative emotion, experience, thought etc which has been causing or contributing to the unwanted behavior or health issue.  This is a very through process, going over many different possible causes without causing emotional trauma.
The Cell Command Therapy™ portion of the session involves command the cells to the various systems of the body to begin the healing process.
I have worked with pretty much everything you can think of
  • Heath Issues such as:  Cancer, tumors, asthma, kidney issues, colon issues, chronic pain, broken bones just to name a few
  • War veteran PTSD
  • Spiritual issues
  • Relationship issues (effects of childhood bullying, marital, sexual abuse, parental, sibling, etc)
  • Weight Loss
  • Smoking
  • Fears
  • Creativity enhancement
  • Addictions including crack cocaine & alcoholism
  • Nail biting
  • Laziness
  • I could go on and on….
In every case, the client saw dramatic improvement.  My favorite memories are when I worked on someone for health, and the clients’ doctor was completely amazed and unable to explain the sudden and dramatic improvement to their patients’ heath.  I started getting referrals from doctors and psychologists.
I’m going to be releasing a General Cell Release session soon. In the recording, you will mentally declare in your mind which topic you want to release.  Example:  I want to release kidney stones…. I want to release my fear of (____), I want to release migraines…. I want to release the reasons for pre-mature ejaculation…. I want to release the reasons for impotence…. Etc.
Or you can work on achieving a goal.  In this case, you will state your goal in this way:  I want to release the blocks to prosperity…. I want to release the blocks to creativity…. I want to release the blocks preventing me from entering deep hypnosis.
You can literally use this recording for anything.
In the recording, I will go through all the questions that I normally would in a typical office session. Just let the information come to you, whether it makes sense or not.  It probably WONT make sense.  In nearly every session I’ve ever done, just about everyone has reported that the information didn’t make sense, but the yup seeing amazing results.  So don’t worry if this happens to you – it probably will, and it’s totally normal.  If nothing comes to mind, you’ll receive the command to release that item, so it can still be very effective.  I’ve had clients where nothing came to mind, but I gave them the commands anyway, and they ended up seeing fantastic results.
If you’re interested in this session and have questions, feel free to message Me anytime! I can’t wait to hear about your amazing results!  xoxo


  1. origamisoldier

    I can understand how the block release part of the therapy works, and I believe that this can influence and change behaviors, habits or mental problems such as phobias or PTSD. My problem is that the cell control part is still a bit ambiguous when it comes to actual physical ailments. Some of the wording implies that the therapy is trying to get the mind to create/modify/destroy physical cells in the body. I’ll frame in with the example of a tumor. When you do CCT on someone who has a tumor, are you telling them that the tumor cells are dying, or that their cells are attacking the tumor and that this is actually happening to physical cells? Or is this just a therapy to help deal with the pain, and speed recovery instigated by something like chemotherapy? I think the main concern I’m trying to voice here is that I’m worried you may be telling clients that they no longer need to pursue or continue their chemotherapy after you use CCT for their tumor. Or tell them that they can remove a cast early because the bone is healed.

    1. That’s a great question!

      I tend to be a bit of a skeptic Myself, so I completely understand.

      The subconscious mind control all of the functions of the body – Breathing, Dreaming, heart beating, finger nails growing, immune system etc etc etc.

      When I was first in school, I was floored by the idea of Cell Command Therapy (TM) and I had lots of questions too. It wasn’t until I put the therapy into practice that I became a true believer.

      Now, I could probably talk about this for HOURS, so I’m going to try to keep this as short as I can. LOL

      Just off the top of My head, I have worked with broken bones, cysts in the scalp, cancer (a few times), anal fistula, gingivitis, benign breast mass (which was HUGE), undiagnosed bumps in the hand, along with countless colds, viruses, stomach issues etc.

      Ok…. some of this seems that there is NO WAY hypnosis could make a difference, right? WRONG!

      Through all of this work, I have come to believe (from experience) that our emotions cause physical ailments, cause us to trip and hurt ourselves… it’s all a way for our mind to tell us that something is wrong… something needs to be addressed. Most of the time, we don’t even listen unless we’re in pain. Maybe we need to take a break (hence a break is provided), or maybe our mother is a pain in the ass and we say that outloud all the time… so our mind gives us a literal Pain In The Ass (anal fistula)… perhaps our family is eating away at us (cancer)… or you can’t stomach life anymore (stomach issues). I think you get the general idea, right? Read Answer Cancer by Stephen Parkhill, or Heal Your Body by Louis Hay.

      So from the clients I listed above. Broken Bone: Doctor was Amazed – he had NEVER seen anyone heal so fast from a broken bone before. Same thing with the anal fistula – Doctor could not provide an explanation on why it healed up so quickly and with little to no pain. Doctor was literally stunned and shook his head in confusion. Head cysts – disappeared. Cancer – fast full recovery. Breast Mass that needed surgery according to the doctor – gone! Gingivitis – gone in 21 days, just like she answered in session. Gone! Strange bumps in the hand – largely diminished. Not completely gone, but much much less.

      There’s definitely more to the mind than what we realize. Another thing that makes Me scratch My head:

      I was working on releasing emotion issue with 2 clients.
      1) Older man who was bullied as a child – he had developed neuropathy in his lower legs. In hypnosis, he felt like it went back to being bullied. we went through a forgiveness exercise, and he really, truly forgave him. He shed tears, it was beautiful. So not only did the neuropathy decrease to the point where he could feel mosquito bites again etc… but he also RAN INTO THE CHILDHOOD BULLY at a wild game butcher shop. What are the odds?!?!? Seriously… what are the odds of that?

      The other woman that baffles Me is someone who was dealing with fertility issues. She went into hypnosis and felt like the poor, unresolved issues with her mother were contributing. We went through forgiveness, and also really truly forgave her mother for all of the terrible things she had done. THAT FREAKING NIGHT, HER MOTHER CALLS OUT OF THE BLUE IN 20 YEARS! Now…. what are the odds of THAT?

      Those 2 clients really made Me think that that the mind has a possible spiritual aspect to it… that maybe it can reach the other person…. or… Something? I have no idea. But the its WAY too much to be considered just a coincidence.

      All I can tell you is that I have walked away from all of those clients with a brand new perspective. I may not understand exactly how it works, but it’s a mystery that I believe in.

      Now for My protection, I have to add that I am in no way providing a guarantee. Results may vary of course. I’m just telling you what I’ve seen in the past. Take from it what you will. 🙂

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The information and products on this site are not intended nor recommended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical condition or treatment. Nothing contained on this site is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.

Due to the deep hypnotic state that you’ll experience, never listen while driving or operating machinery of any kind. All hypnotic programming and fantasy sessions offered on this website are intended to be used while in a relaxed environment, preferably while sitting or lying down.


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