How To Write An Erotic Hypnosis Story

Once upon a time, there was an art form that could transport you to another world – the world of erotic hypnosis stories. These tales have been tantalizing readers for generations, allowing them to explore their deepest desires and fantasies as they are swept away into a realm of sensuality and pleasure. If you’ve ever wanted to write your own erotica-inspired story, then look no further! Here is everything you need to know about how to craft a captivating erotic hypnosis story that will keep your audience entranced until the very last page.

From finding your inspiration to incorporating elements of suspense and romance in just the right measure, this guide will make sure all bases are covered when it comes down to writing an unforgettable story that plays with the reader’s subconscious desire for intimacy. Let us take a journey together through these tips on creating a scintillating tale that will entrance even the most experienced fan of erotic fiction.

We begin by setting aside some sacred time for our creative endeavor – pour yourself a glass of wine or light some incense, whatever helps get you in the mood (wink). And let’s start off our session by entering into a hypnotic state where we can draw from our innermost depths and bring forth what lies beyond conscious thought – let’s write something utterly entrancing!

Why Use Erotic Hypnosis in a Story?

Hypnosis is a trance-like state of consciousness that allows the hypnotic subject to become more suggestible and open to suggestions from the hypnotist. It’s an altered state of awareness, in which the conscious mind becomes relaxed, allowing for heightened focus on specific thoughts and ideas. Hypnosis can allow us to access our subconscious minds and explore alternative perspectives, even those we may be unaware of.

Using hypnosis as part of an erotic story gives authors the ability to explore these alternative perspectives through the power of suggestion and imagination. The reader is taken on a journey into their deepest fantasies while experiencing the power of relaxation and pleasure all at once. By incorporating elements from both hypnosis and erotica, writers can create stories that are completely unique, with unexpected twists and turns that leave readers wanting more.

When it comes to writing an erotic hypnosis story, it’s important to consider how you will use hypnosis within your narrative arc in order to enhance its effect upon the reader. Be sure to establish rules for yourself before beginning so that you can stay focused on creating something truly special – something that will captivate and entrance your audience!

What Is Hypnosis Inductions?

Hypnosis is a mysterious topic, and its true definition has been debated for centuries.

The idea of hypnosis might bring to mind images of swinging pocket watches or charmed stage performers, but what exactly is it? To understand what hypnosis truly is, we must explore both its history and modern applications.

The practice of hypnotism dates back thousands of years in various forms. Ancient Egyptian sleep temples were built to induce trance states that would allow people to gain access to their subconscious minds – an effect similar to contemporary hypnotherapy practices today. As time passed, other cultures around the world began using techniques such as chanting and dancing to reach altered states of awareness and communicate with spiritual entities. The term “hypnosis” was first coined by Scottish physician James Braid in 1843 after he observed mesmerizing effects on his patients during experiments involving eye fixation. By the early 20th century, hypnosis had become widely accepted as a legitimate medical technique used for treating anxiety disorders, pain management, and more.

Even though many aspects surrounding hypnosis remain unknown, there are certain core elements that define this powerful tool. At its simplest level, hypnosis involves focusing one’s attention inward while blocking out external stimuli through relaxation exercises or guided meditations. This can be done alone or facilitated by a certified practitioner who will use specific techniques such as verbal suggestions or physical gestures known as hypnosis inductions to help the subject enter into a deep state of mental absorption where they can begin exploring their innermost thoughts and beliefs. While some may find it difficult at first, those willing to put forth effort often experience profound benefits including improved emotional regulation and greater self-awareness.

Hypnotic induction is just one part of the larger art form of erotic hypnotherapy which combines sensual language with visual imagery designed to trigger feelings of pleasure and arousal in order to empower individuals seeking sexual fulfillment or healing within relationships. Through careful guidance from experienced practitioners working with partners who trust each other implicitly, couples can transcend traditional boundaries between them allowing them to open up emotionally while unlocking new levels of intimate connection beyond anything seen before.

Through exploration and understanding we come ever closer towards uncovering the full potential locked away inside our subconscious minds; all thanks to the power possessed by something so simple yet infinitely complex – hypnosis!

Benefits Of Erotic Hypnosis

The practice of erotic hypnosis can be a powerful way to explore intimacy with yourself and your partner. It has numerous emotional and physical advantages that can assist in relaxation, discovering new experiences in the bedroom (or elsewhere!), and strengthening the relationship between you two. Now, let’s take a look at some of its primary benefits:

Mental health benefits include increased relaxation, better focus on tasks, improved sleep patterns, more self-confidence, and an enhanced ability to communicate openly with your partner. Through erotic hypnosis, one may also become aware of issues they had not previously been conscious of before – such as feelings of insecurity or jealousy – which can then be addressed through dialogue.

On an emotional level, erotic hypnosis helps us to open up our hearts and minds to greater connection with ourselves and others. By allowing yourself to sink into deeper levels of consciousness during guided sessions or by creating individualized scripts tailored towards specific goals like increasing confidence or reducing stress levels. One will experience higher degrees of sensation due to being able to deeply connect with their emotions – something only possible when we allow ourselves let go completely and trust in what lies beneath the surface.

The physical effects are equally impressive; from increased sexual arousal resulting in heightened pleasure during sex acts, to decreased pain sensations caused by muscle tension release throughout the body – these are all potential outcomes of regularly engaging in erotic hypnosis practices. Muscles become relaxed while still maintaining alertness so that one can enjoy a full range of sensations without feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated in any way!

Whether you’re looking for ways to enhance intimacy within a relationship or simply want more control over how aroused you get during intimate moments – there are many advantages to incorporating erotic hypnosis into your routine. It encourages exploration beyond traditional boundaries while providing tangible physical/mental rewards along the way!

Preparation For Erotic Hypnosis

Ready to take your reader on an erotic hypnosis journey? Before you start writing, preparation is key. Here’s how to get started:

First, create a fantasy setting for your story. Think about what kind of environment would be best suited for the scene in your story and make sure it matches the mood and atmosphere that you want to evoke. Consider elements such as lighting, temperature, soundscape, scents, textures—anything that can help build up a sensual backdrop. Once you have this set in place, brainstorm some role-play scenarios or characters that will fit into the world you’ve created. Doing this helps develop ideas for where the story could go and makes it easier to write when you know who or what will be involved in each scene.

Next, gather inspiration from other sources like movies, books or even real life experiences if they inspire you. Having these resources at hand can act as visual aids while you’re writing so that it becomes easier to picture certain scenes within your own story. Plus adding details inspired by other works gives your piece its own unique flavor! Finally, remember why people are drawn to erotic hypnosis stories – intimacy and pleasure! As long as those two things remain central themes throughout your work then readers should be more than satisfied with what they find within it.

So there we have it – essential tips for preparing yourself before embarking upon your next erotic hypnosis masterpiece! With these fundamentals taken care of all that’s left is putting pen (or keyboard) to paper and let your creative juices flow! Good luck crafting an unforgettable tale!

## Common Themes Of Erotic Hypnosis Stories

When it comes to writing an erotic hypnosis story, there are several common themes that can be used. These include trance fantasies, sensual stories and hypnotic suggestion. Trance fantasies involve the use of suggestive words and images to create a state of relaxation and heightened arousal in the reader. Sensual stories often focus on physical sensations, such as caressing or touching, in order to induce pleasure and relaxation. Hypnotic suggestion is designed to help the reader become more open to exploring their own desires through fantasy scenarios.

Another theme commonly seen in erotic hypnosis stories is dominance and submission. This involves one partner taking control over another’s thoughts and actions by means of verbal commands or body language cues. The goal here is for both partners to explore each other’s boundaries while still remaining within the comfort zone of what they feel comfortable with. Finally, some writers may also choose to incorporate elements of BDSM into their work in order to further explore power dynamics between two people in an intimate setting.

No matter which type of story you decide to write, remember that your main goal should be creating a safe space for exploration and connecting with yourself or someone else through the power of your imagination. Be creative and enjoy every moment as you craft something unique that will bring pleasure and satisfaction not just for yourself but also your readers!

Different Types Of Fantasy Settings In Erotic Hypnosis Stories

When it comes to writing an erotic hypnosis story, the possibilities are endless. No matter what type of fantasy setting you choose for your story, you can use it to explore and express sexual desires in a safe and fun way. You can choose from medieval fantasy, futuristic fantasy, space fantasy, steampunk fantasy and horror fantasy settings – each offering its own unique atmosphere and potential for exploration.

Medieval fantasies offer up a world full of knights, dragons and damsels in distress that provide plenty of opportunities for exploring power dynamics or roleplay scenarios with a twist. Futuristic fantasies allow writers to explore technology-driven themes like cyborgs while incorporating some classic sci-fi tropes. Space fantasies transport readers into galaxies far away where they can experience alien encounters as part of their journey in search of pleasure. Steampunk fantasies bring together elements of fiction and science fiction creating a fascinating blend between past and future worlds. And finally, horror fantasies enable people to safely enter terrifying realms filled with ghouls, ghosts and other frightening creatures without ever leaving home.

Whether you’re looking for something romantic or something more thrilling, these five types of fantasy settings have something to offer everyone when it comes to writing an erotic hypnosis story. So don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild! Create stories that will captivate readers’ deepest desires – whatever type of fantasy setting you decide on!

Role-Playing Ideas For Erotic Hypnosis Stories

Role-playing is an essential part of creating a successful erotic hypnosis story. It allows you to explore different fantasies and create scenarios that are exciting and captivating for your reader. With role-playing ideas, you can tap into the subconscious desires of readers who are looking for intimate encounters.

When it comes to storytelling techniques in erotic hypnosis stories, there are many ways to be creative with role-play. You can use props, costumes, or even voice transformation tools to bring your characters and storylines to life. For example, if you’re writing about two people engaging in BDSM play, consider what type of equipment they will need and how it might affect their dynamic during the session. Additionally, look at how language plays a role in setting up scenes and establishing atmosphere; this could include introducing new words or phrases that evoke particular feelings or concepts associated with erotica.

Finally, don’t forget to add details like lighting and music into your narrative as well – these elements can help enhance the mood of any scene and make it more immersive for both participants involved in the experience. So while crafting a compelling erotic hypnosis story may seem daunting at first, by using various techniques such as those mentioned above you will be able to bring your characters’ innermost desires alive on paper!

Writing Your Own Erotic Hypnosis Story

Writing your own erotic hypnosis story is an exciting and rewarding experience that can help you tap into your creative side. It’s a great way to express yourself in a unique, sensual way. Creating a hypnotic story requires careful thought and imagination, as well as some patience. Here are some tips for writing your own erotic hypnosis story.

Begin by thinking of a compelling premise or theme to center the story around. Ask yourself questions such as: what kind of characters do I want? What setting will they be in? How will their relationship evolve over time? Answering these questions helps create structure within the narrative and gives it direction. Once you have your outline down, it’s time to start crafting individual scenes. Pay attention to the language you use; try using stimulating words like “aroused,” “captivated,” and “sensual” to describe sensations experienced by the characters in each scene.

For those new to writing erotic hypnosis stories, consider joining online forums dedicated specifically to this genre and read other people’s work for inspiration. Doing so allows you to pick up on key elements used in successful stories—such as pacing, dialogue, descriptions—that could be useful when creating your own piece of literature. As with all forms of writing, practice makes perfect! Take notes while reading others’ stories and apply them when shaping yours. Lastly, don’t forget that erotic hypnosis should always come from a place of consent between both parties involved—including between writer-reader pairs—before delving into any type of play or exploration described in the story itself.

By following these tips, you’ll soon find yourself immersed in the world of erotic hypnosis storytelling where creativity meets pleasure! Writing your own story can bring immense satisfaction and allow readers to explore realms never before imagined –– giving them an unforgettable journey through fantasy and desire.

## Finding Inspiration For Your Own Storytelling

Finding inspiration for your own erotic hypnosis storytelling can be a great challenge. But it doesn’t have to be! With the right approach and mindset, you can use existing works of fiction as well as personal experiences to create stories that are both captivating and arousing.

Start by reflecting on what kind of story would best fit your audience’s subconscious desires. Are they looking for something sensual? Something romantic? Something suspenseful? Once you figure out what type of story they want to experience, look around at some other erotic hypnosis stories or literature in general to get ideas and find inspiration. You may even consider incorporating elements from different stories into one grand adventure!

From there, think about how you will present the story. What sort of language do you want to use? Which words evoke emotion and passion when read aloud? How much detail should each scene contain? Also take note of body language which could add another layer of depth to the journey. By answering these questions ahead of time, writing an engaging hypnosis story becomes much easier!

Sharing Your Story With Others

Once you’ve crafted your erotic hypnosis story, it’s time to share it with others. Sharing your story can be intimidating but is a necessary step in order to reach an audience and get feedback. By sharing your writing, you will be opening yourself up to potential readership that may not have read your work otherwise. The best way to start building an audience for your erotic hypnosis stories is by reaching out on social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram. Posting teasers of the stories you are working on and inviting people to follow you can help build interest in the stories before they even come out. Additionally, if there are any forums or subreddits dedicated to erotic hypnosis storytelling, post snippets of your story there along with links where interested readers can find them.

In addition to using online resources, consider marketing offline too! There are likely local events focused specifically on erotica authors and bloggers who could benefit from hearing about what you’re doing—or maybe even reading some excerpts from their own personal devices during the event itself! Reach out to these communities and let them know how passionate you are about creating this type of content; chances are good that someone may become very interested in becoming part of your readership group! Finally, one last tip: don’t forget about reviews! Reviews provide valuable feedback that helps shape future stories; make sure to always invite honest opinions from those who have enjoyed (or didn’t enjoy) what you had written so far. With all of these steps taken together, you’ll certainly see an increase in the number of people engaging with your work – which leads us into further topics related to monetization opportunities for erotic hypnosis writers…

Start writing

The thrill of writing an erotic hypnosis story is one that can be difficult to put into words. With the right preparation and a touch of creativity, you will soon find yourself lost in the world of your own creation. Writing these stories can provide immense satisfaction, as they allow us to explore our fantasies safely and without judgement.

One interesting statistic about erotic hypnosis is that according to recent studies, over 70% of people who have used it report feeling a greater sense of freedom when it comes to exploring their sexuality. This suggests that there are many possibilities for those looking to push boundaries with their storytelling.

Erotic hypnosis stories offer something unique: a chance to experience pleasure on both physical and mental levels. It’s not easy to craft such a complex tale but if you sit down, take your time and let the creative juices flow, you’ll be sure to create something truly magical!

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The information and products on this site are not intended nor recommended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical condition or treatment. Nothing contained on this site is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.

Due to the deep hypnotic state that you’ll experience, never listen while driving or operating machinery of any kind. All hypnotic programming and fantasy sessions offered on this website are intended to be used while in a relaxed environment, preferably while sitting or lying down.


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Toy #0811LP-13

I’ve been around erotic hypnosis for a fairly long time. Over the years I’ve tried samples from a variety of hypnodommes, and seen many more come and go. And of all them, I can say that Mistress Amethyst is the best. Over the years, Mistress Amethyst has repeatedly demonstrated her immense talent and skill for… Read more “Mistress Amethyst is a very special woman and deserves your attention”


I’ve always been rather shy when i comes to stuff like this but I feel like I need to do this. I’ve been going in trance for a long time looking for something that I couldn’t quite find until I had found Mistress Amethyst. For the first time in my life I feel truly submissive… Read more “I’ve been searching for some one as special as Mistress Amethyst for a long time.”

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I have downloaded and listening over and over again HELPLESSLY BETA and CORRUPT HYPNOTHERAPY FOREVER.I cannot seam to be able to not listen. I have truly become a junkie on your voice. Both files so aptly describe the situation that I find my self in, truly, I have become a BETA BOY, and wonder if… Read more “now a Beta boy”


Mistress Amethyst is not my first experience with hypnotic domination, but Her power is truly several times greater than any I had met before. I am truly in awe of Mistress Amethyst’s power over me, and grateful that Hers is the web I have fallen into. Surprised daily by the vistas She is opening up… Read more “Staring into Her voice…”

jesse charles

Over the last year I have listened and followed Mistress Amethyst. I love her voice. Even more I love her hypnosis. She always takes the time to guide me down. She never rushes her inductions. When it come the the point of training, programming or brainwashing its so natural and comfortable. She is truly a… Read more “Free Fall”


If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent some times growing into your love of hypnosis. Maybe you started with some random free files you found online and found the thrill of going into a trance. Then you found a mistress who’s voice just took you under and left you feeling amazing. Then you keep looking… Read more “If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent some times growing into your love of hypnosis.”


Most of my life I was convinced I was someone who isn’t hypnotizable. I watched tons of sissy hypnos many, many times over many years and tried to fake it ’til I made it. Didn’t work, none did. A few got close but no one had the mojo to truly put me under and keep… Read more “I was unhypnotizable”

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Today was one of those times when listening to a particular recording of yours found to have become very receptive to your voice and message. It is the recording of”Helplessly Mais to Serve”. I had foolishly thought that I was no longer under your spell. How wrong I was!.I remain week and helplessly under your… Read more “Can not escape your spell”


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Where to begin? Trying to summarize and relate the feelings and sensations encountered while under the spell of Mistress Amethyst’s hypnotic voice could literally fill volumes, yet here I am making the attempt. I have read the other testimonials written here and concur with the other writers: surrendering to Mistress Amethyst is not an experience… Read more “Not to be Missed”
