
In the chaotic whirlwind of daily life, finding a moment to get lost in a beautiful trance is often just what you need.  But when it’s the voice of your Goddess, lulling you down, and deeper down, until you are surrounded in whispery bliss, you just might plunge so deep, that the entire world melts away.

Follow me deeper and deeper, through one pool of whispers to the next, each time diving deeper, and feeling sensual bliss.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, Pools Of Whispers is more than just a listening experience; it’s your personal sanctuary amidst the storms of life.

  • Themes: Layered #ASMR #Whispers
  • Secondary ASMR/Whisper Track: Yes
  • Sound Effects: No
  • Cum Command: No
  • Brainwaves: No
  • Gender Specific: No
  • Triggers Used: Deep/Deeper; Drop
  • Finger Snaps: No
  • Financial Domination: No
  • Amnesia Suggestions: No
  • Count Up: No

Erotic Hypnosis & FemDom Hypnosis by Mistress Amethyst of Copyright 2024

DISCLAIMER: As with any hypnosis session, results vary. For entertainment purposes only. By purchasing or indulging in this product on or off of this site, you consent fully to any physical or mental consequences that may result from experiencing the content within the product, and expressively waive any claims or complaints that you may have as a result thereof. You fully acknowledge and consent that you will only do things that you desire to do of your own free will and choosing, and that I have no power to force or make you do anything that you do not wish to do. This product may contain binaural tones which may be unsuitable for some people, such as those who suffer from epileptic seizures. Seek medical advice before indulging and discontinue use if you experience any negative consequences. Only listen to this file while in a safe environment, preferably lying down. NEVER listen while operating machinery of any kind.



  1. Artist490

    Very good after the introduction files. You should open your mind to mistress. 313

  2. The Darted Rhino

    Pool of Whispers is fantastic. You know when you are floating in water and your ears are covered so you can’t hear anything? Imagine if that silence was filled with sirens calling you down into a deep trance. Eventually it is unclear if you are still floating or sinking beneath the surface. It actually doesn’t matter because the sirens call is so strong that your will is gone and you succumb to Mistress like always. Great job. I love it.

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