
Flaccid…. Ineffective…. Useless

Every time I drop you, you break and pieces of you become useless.  It’s true. Your brain is nothing more than a toy that I play with in order to wear you down, crack you open, and change you into a willing and obedient body that does whatever I command.

Your dick is already trained by my voice and your mind is pliable and receptive to my brainwashing.  Now that I have you, and now that your mind is broken, what good is your cock?  It is utterly useless.

So many boys think that their dicks deserve satisfaction, but this is a complete fallacy.  I’ve decided that your dick needs to be rendered useless.  Not just tamed, but rendered worthless on a fundamental level; ineffective, like a broken toy.

It does not respond to other women.  It does not respond to the stupid, desperate touching of my toy out of trance.  It is as numb and simple as my toy’s limited imagination.  My poor little toy it stuck with worthless thing between its legs

Word of caution – There WILL be an antidote to this session, however, you will pay double.


    • Secondary ASMR/Whisper background tracks carefully written & performed
    • Sound Effects:  None
    • Delta Brainwaves:  Yes
    • Gender Specific: Yes, male
    • Countdown:  Yes
    • Triggers Used:  Black Out
    • Finger Snaps:  Yes 
    • Mistress Amethyst Worship Commands:  No
    • Amnesia Suggestions:  No
    • Fractionation:  No
    • Humiliation/Degradation:  Medium to Strong
    • Cum Command: No
    • Awakening Command:  Yes – gradual
    • Suggestions To Buy More From Mistress:  No
    • Themes:  Flaccid Cock;  Impotence;  Slave training, Obedience
    • 32 Minutes


Erotic Hypnosis & FemDom Hypnosis by Mistress Amethyst of Copyright 2018

DISCLAIMER:  As with any hypnosis session, results vary.  For entertainment purposes only. By purchasing or indulging in this product on or off of this site, you consent fully to any physical or mental consequences that may result from experiencing the content within the product, and expressively waive any claims or complaints that you may have as a result thereof. You fully acknowledge and consent that you will only do things that you desire to do of your own free will and choosing, and that I have no power to force or make you do anything that you do not wish to do. This product may contain binaural tones which may be unsuitable for some people, such as those who suffer from epileptic seizures. Seek medical advice before indulging and discontinue use if you experience any negative consequences.  Only listen to this file while in a safe environment, preferably  lying down.  NEVER listen while operating machinery of any kind.



  1. Dirt313

    This file is strong. I’m still trying to process it. If you’re reading this and into this type of humiliation, think no further, just get it and hit play. You WILL get what you’re asking for.

  2. papaza2002

    This file scares me.
    I listened to it few times already, always with a slight fear in my heart, but as I hear the first word from Mistress, turning back is not an option.
    Then I know I am going to be taken and broken, and I have NOTHING to do about it.

    This is premium hypnosis brainwahing. So far I was afraid to go all the way down with the idea of loosing the function of my cock, but this fear is just, Mistress HAS the power to do it to me, I know that from the level of control she has over me from other files.
    I guess it is only a matter of time now…
    You have been worned!

  3. slave j

    This session is in a league of its own. I have listened to many hypnosis files and I say without a doubt Mistress Amethyst always has the best but even amongst hers this stands out… Well this is my first Dark Amethyst recording. Maybe they are all like this. I am eager to find out.

    Anyway, this session is NOT for everyone. If you are toying around and think of chastiity as a fun little game then the sessions are for boys like you.

    If you are the sort of boy who wants Mistress Amethyst to control you and be your Goddess, and if you are serious about permanent chastity, then waste no time, this is for you.

    From the first word to the last, Dark Mistress Amethyst sets an unforgettable tone that is sexy, dominating, controlling, humiliating, and unmistakably haunting, chilling and unforgettable.
    She gives a commanding and perfect hypnotic performance that will leave you more in her control and more into having a broken cock than you ever thought possible.

    Never once have I so understood my place at the foot of a Goddess as when I first listened to this. I am Mistress Amethyst’s toy and always will be. If this is for you, take the plunge and give yourself over.

  4. Sissy Jc

    A trip in the dark side of Mistress Amethyst is always a great experience, this trance is pure obedience and I am proud to be an object Mistress Amethyst have, my mind empty and my dick useless.
    When I am exciting sometimes it’s very intense, this trance is a good antidote to this feeling and I love to have my mind broken and when she show me the truly place of a slave, at her feet following her leads with the only goal to serve her without thinking of my pleasure but only hers.

  5. Dan Maturin

    This is the second file from Mistress Amethyst that I have listened to. The first was the Black Out loop file. I would recommend to loop that file for a few sessions before moving on to this one. Useless Dick is the most powerful hypno file I have ever experienced. I’ve listened a few dozen times now, and each time I go deeper. This file has made me completely impotent. While that is startling on its own, the biggest effect is my inability to fantasize about anything sexual. If you think of a fantasy as a movie, the movie seems to be loaded by my conscious mind, I can see three or four frames of the movie, then I lose track of it. I get confused, and my mind goes blank. It’s a great mental effort to attempt to continue with the fantasy, but each time the result is the same. A few seconds of visualization, followed by confusion and mental exhaustion. Finally, it’s like starting at a wall in a darkened room. Just grayness. Buyer beware!

  6. BeeWasp

    I bought this mp3 in early November and after listening to it every day and sometimes even several times a day, I can say that it is excellent.
    I wear a chastity cage, but at night I often wake up because of the uncomfortable erection caused by the chastity cage. Now thanks to this mp3 I have almost no erection at night which allows me to sleep better. The only problem now is that I have to take a little blue pill once a month so I can have sex with my girlfriend … but that was to be expected … lol.
    Mistress said that “There WILL be an antidote to this session” I can not wait to listen to it to see if the effect is reversible.
    Thank you Mistress for this incredible mp3.

  7. Always Agree

    This file may be the ultimate form of submission. Ultimately I started listening to Mistress Amethyst because I was looking for the pleasure of it. To get turned on, have good orgasms, and play around with submission. I think that’s why most of us have come here.

    This file seeks to take all of that to its logical conclusion. A file that is so deeply focussed on her control and submission that it is taking away your pleasure. Giving up that second brain we all have just like we have slowly given up the brain our heads.

    I’ve only listened to this file once, and I can get a sense of how powerful it is. It takes you down so very deep and at the end I felt the urge to listen again. I realize though that I’m not quite at the point where I’m willing to dive that far into the darkness.

    I feel a little different after coming out of the trance, but after one listen I’m not broken just yet. It’s weird though. The thought of giving myself over to this file again and again is arousing… and yet… only one of my brains is aroused at the moment instead of the usual two.


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This is how personalization works. READ CAREFULLY:

Select Personalize A Full Length MP3, then, using the drop down box, provide your name in "your info" comment box, and select add ons (if desired)

Turn-around time: approximately 1 week, but I will e-mail you when your order comes through to give you a time estimate.

VERY IMPORTANT! If you have not heard from me within 24 hrs, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER!

Personalization: I will re-record the secondary voice track of the file by inserting your name so that it has a personal feel. You'll love hearing me command you by name!

Optional Companion Loop Add On - I will take the secondary track from your personalization, isolate it, and create a loop. PLEASE NOTE: The main track of the file is muted. This is purely your personalized track all on it's own, with multiple layers.

There is no credit nor refund if you have previously purchased the public version of the file. Sorry.