Eruption – Blowjob Experiment
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Eruption – Blowjob Experiment



Are you ready to be my hypno blowjob guinea pig? Good! Erotic FemDom hypnosis blowjob fantasy MP3 to train you for a hands free orgasm. Eruption Trigger


27 minutes


Combining Hypnosis & A Blowjob Experiment

Are you ready to be my hypno blowjob guinea pig?  Yes?  Ok, good!  Let’s get started!

Once in my office, I guide you into trance, where I reinforce the programming that you are going to cum upon command.  While your mind absorbs my voice, my assistant, Lacy, is going to be stimulating your body.

Stimulating how, you may ask?  With her mouth!  Mmm, yes!  I bet you’re begging to be my guinea pig NOW, right?  When I feel the time is right, I will command the orgasm trigger, sending you into orgasmic bliss… that’s when Lacy will have the pleasure of tasting you.

RECOMMENDATION:  Since this is a Level 2 training file, I recommend that you stroke yourself to match the description of the blowjob.  As Lacy uses less & less pressure, stroke with less & less pressure, etc.  The goal is to use less pressure each time until you are able to orgasm hands free.


  • Induction – Using some “Deep”, “Down” verbiage
  • 10-1 Countdown
  • Multi voice track programming / Layered voice tracks
  • Cum Command: Yes
  • Count Up At End:  Yes
  • 27 Minutes

Erotic Hypnosis & FemDom Hypnosis by Mistress Amethyst of Copyright 2016.

PLEASE NOTE:   Purchase of the public title is not required. If you do purchase the public title as well as the personalization, there will be no refund for the public title price. Sorry

Hands Free Orgasm Training Instructions:

Level 1 – Listen to the Hands Free Orgasm Trigger Training Hypnosis as many times as you would like.

Level 2 – After you have listened to the Level 1 training audio (preferably more than once), you can begin the Level 2 training.

Each Level 2 recording will include a JOI with the Eruption trigger given in order to bring on your orgasm. Work on your timing – get really good at having your orgasm when I give the trigger.

Then when you’ve mastered timing your orgasm with the trigger, begin to use lighter and lighter touch, until you are able to achieve a Hands Free Orgasm.

Level 3 – Once a Hands Free Orgasm has been accomplished, you are now ready to move on to Level 3, or you may continue to listen to other Level 2


  1. Lord Epicure (verified owner)

    Entering a new world of power exchange !

    Before listening to this recording, i re-trained my mind with the Hands Free Orgasm Trigger Training and for best results i deepen my training with Hands Free Orgasm Training Mantras & Brainwashing who has a powerful effect on my mind.
    I listened to these 2 recordings at night just before sleep.
    After submited my mind with these 2h of intense programming, i sunk in a deep sleep with HFO trigger training in my ears at low volume as instructed by Mistress Amethyst.
    The following evening, it was time to see the effects and feel mistress’s dominance.
    First of all, I have to say that I have never felt so relaxed from the very beginning of the session, guided easily by the softness of Mistress Amethyst’s voice.
    I felt an intense pleasure to be transport in Mistress Amethyst world with Mistress at my side leading me and taking all control of my body reactions.
    After introducing me to Lacy, I was overcome by a wave of pleasure! Lacy was taking care of me, and I also felt a great intimacy with her.
    So relaxed lost in the pleasure given by Lacy’s delicate care, I also felt that Mistress had total control over my pleasure and that only Mistress would have the power to push me over the edge when she will decide.
    A powerful pleasure washed over me, split between Lacy’s gentle blowjob and her soft eyes staring at me as she sucked me deeper, but Mistress was in total control, and I was waiting so long for Mistress to give me the Eruption trigger.
    I was lost in intense pleasure, lost in Lacy delicate blowjob skills and my body full of arousal, but unable to orgasm.
    Then combined with Lacy prodigious blowjob imagery, Mistress finally gave me the eruption trigger.
    Just the word Eruption, instantly pushed me over the edge, i erupted in a powerful wave of pleasure and bliss, leaving me powerless floating in outer space, in Mistress Amethyst dominance that i surrender with pleasure and obedience.

  2. Speed Stick

    Mistress Amethyst’s BLOWJOB EXPERIMENT is an insanely hot recording, easily bringing me to a hands-free orgasm the very first time! The sensations are so erotic and vivid that is very *hard* to hang on until Mistress commands your release. And every time I listen to this file, the experience gets more and more intensely pleasurable, desperately sexual.

    Mistress does not explicitly command you to touch yourself in this recording and instead lets Her imagery guide your own actions. This approach really lets you explore the sensations of arousal and enables you to go at your own pace, with lighter and lighter touches, until none are required to orgasm – all you need is Mistress firing her ‘Eruption’ trigger!

    If you want to feel like you are receiving an crazy hot and explosive blowjob through erotic hypnosis – this file will do it and more!

    Please note that this is a Level 2 file in Mistress Amethyst’s Eruption Training series, so you should first train to the Level 1 – ERUPTION TRIGGER TRAINING file:

    Lastly, highly recommend getting this file personalised – hearing Mistress speak your name aloud makes the experience so much more intimate and erotic!

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This is how personalization works. READ CAREFULLY:

Using the drop down box, select Personalize A Full Length MP3, provide your name in "your info" comment box, and select add ons (if desired)

Turn-around time: approximately 1 week, but I will e-mail you when your order comes through to give you a time estimate.

VERY IMPORTANT! If you have not heard from me within 24 hrs, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER!

Personalization: I will re-record the secondary voice track of the file by inserting your name so that it has a personal feel. You'll love hearing me command you by name!

Special Intro - I will record a 3-5 minute introduction to the file, specifically for you.

Special Ending - I will record a special 3-5 minute ending to the file, specifically for you.

Companion Loop - I will take the secondary track from your personalization, isolate it, and create a loop. PLEASE

NOTE: The main track of the file is muted. This is purely your personalized track all on it's own, with multiple layers.

There is no credit nor refund if you have previously purchased the public version of the file. Sorry.